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Exa joins Everything ICT Framework

Exa is now an approved supplier on the Everything ICT Framework, a national framework representing more than 6,000 education providers.

The framework offers schools, multi academy trusts, colleges and universities a simple, free way to procure services from over 100 pre-checked and pre-approved suppliers, and is approved by the DfE as part of their ‘Find a Framework’ Initiative. 

As well as supporting any government department or Non-Departmental Public Body; NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, MOD, hospitals and charities, with their ICT procurement. 

This means clients on the framework can get the best quotes for our services, like our award winning Protect & Connect® package: 

Protect & Connect®

  • Full fibre internet connection
  • DfE & KCSiE compliant content filtering & monitoring
  • DfE compliant firewall and antivirus
  • Access to The Exa Foundation
  • Router for Life
exa best cyber security ISPA award winners 2022

Schools, multi academy trusts and colleges can award contracts to us directly – avoiding a lengthy tendering process while meeting UK procurement regulations. The service is free for customers to use, with no registration or ‘joining’ process.

To be included in the framework, all suppliers have to undergo an intensive evaluation process. For the evaluation, we were assessed on:

  • Value for money
  • Innovation
  • Customer service
  • Insurance cover
  • Compliance with all relevant regulations, including DfE, KCSiE and GDPR
  • Case studies & references

Mark Cowgill, Co-founder and Commercial Director at Exa Networks, said: “As we’re a supplier to the framework, you know the quote you’ll receive will have the best possible price for our products and services. We’ve always aimed to make the procurement of internet services as smooth as possible for education providers, and by joining this framework we can supply a simplified option for schools through a stress free selection process.”

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