Your Multi Academy Trust
Your MAT solution
By becoming a partner of Exa Networks, Multi Academy Trusts are able to utilise the power of our award-winning network and access a full suite of internet services. As our Protect & Connect® bundle is tailored to your trust’s specific needs there are no restrictions on products or service combinations and you will only pay for what your schools need.
Multi-Academy Trust Private WAN: We deliver secure powerful Private Wide Area Networks to large and small MATs across the UK allowing Trusts to execute their digital strategies. Our wide area network capabilities allow the different sites within your MAT to communicate privately and securely, ultimately giving you peace of mind that all important information and data are safe at all times.
Centralised managed services: Multi-academy trusts have different requirements to individual schools and managing internet services for multiple sites can be painstaking and time consuming. Our Protect & Connect® bundle is a comprehensive, customisable, managed solution that encompasses multiple sites and devices across the complete wide area network (WAN).
Consolidated billing and reporting: We know that keeping track of budgets for multiple schools can be difficult which is why our MATs receive just one invoice for all sites. When it comes to reviewing data, you can also keep track of bandwidth usage, filtering and monitoring across all your schools.
Bespoke Trust-wide cloud-based services: With infrastructure sited across the UK and in premium locations we peer directly with the leading cloud providers – Microsoft, Google and Apple, amongst others – enabling seamless access to trust resources.
Our Products
Router for Life
Router for Life
Additional services
Additional services

The Exa Foundation
The Exa Foundation
Want to find out more?
Get in touch with Simon