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Exa win Social Mobility Award 2021

social mobility award
Exa Networks is celebrating after scooping the Bradford Means Business Social Mobility Award.

Exa is one of the UK’s leading internet service providers, delivering bespoke solutions to schools and businesses nationwide. 

The award recognises organisations or individuals that go above and beyond to support and champion communities, charities, schools, and businesses.

The Bradford-based firm won the award for its work on a range of initiatives locally and and nationally including Bradford Breakthrough and the Exa Foundation, which was launched in 2015 and aims to engage young people in computing, tech and programming and inspire them to choose a tech related career.  

Founder and director of Exa Networks, Mark Cowgill said: “It feels awesome. We weren’t expecting this award at all. There are some great businesses in Bradford. To be named a finalist is brilliant to then win it is the cherry on top.

“There are a lot of companies doing a lot in the city and there are also a lot that are not. If everyone does that extra little bit it will make a huge difference to the city that we live in. I am really proud of the two other companies that were nominated as well.

“We just want to carry on what we have been doing for the last 18 years. It is all about sustainable growth and employing as many people from Bradford that we can, over 70 per cent of our current workforce are from the district.

“It raises our profile – winning this award. Not in terms of gaining additional business but helping people know that we exist so when we advertise jobs they are interested in coming to work for us.”

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