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Exa’s recap of 2022

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2022 is coming to an end – what a year it’s been!  We’ve taken a look back on the past year, at all of our achievements as well as news from the connectivity industry!



exa status page

New Status Page

We launched our new Status Page in April. The page provides real-time updates on our connection and SurfProtect® services.

Fiber Optic cables connected to an optic ports and Network cable

Internet record speeds broken

In June, the Internet speed world record was broken by engineers in Japan. They hit 319 terabits per second without any drop in speed over a distance of 1,865 miles, with the previous record achieving 178 terabits per second!

internet explorer logo

RIP Internet Explorer

After more than 25 years in use, Microsoft removed support for Internet Explorer in favour of Microsoft Edge. While some historic versions can still be used for the moment, this is definitely the end of an era.



Halloween 2022


Our office had a makeover for Halloween. There were spiders, cobwebs and black cats everywhere - and a costume competition. Here's some of our Marketing team.

JSPC roadshow

JSPC Roadshow

We joined our partner, JSPC Computer Services on their annual roadshow, which highlighted the importance of Cyber Security. Our Commercial Director and Co-founder, Mark Cowgill gave a presentation on our Protect & Connect® package, while Alan O'Donohoe, our Specialist Leader in Education gave a taster of The Exa Foundation's Learning Programme.

exa win raising the bar awards 2022

Raising the Bar Awards

In November, we were proud to win Raising the Bar Yorkshire Education Award 2022. This recognises The Exa Foundation's Digital Skills Camps and Bradford Skills Month events such as career days.

xmas 2022


This Christmas saw us watching the World Cup - We were so hopeful! Here are this year's Christmas trees - including a few of the England team.

Every winter, we like to finish the year with a meal for our staff. This year we went to The Rooftop Cafe at Kala Sangam for food, drinks and bad jokes from Christmas crackers.

We’re looking forward to a great year ahead – including our 20th anniversary! We already have fantastic events lined up in 2023 – Including the Bett Show. Keep an eye on our blog and social media accounts to hear what we get up to.

We hope you have a fantastic 2023.


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Email: helpdesk@exa.net.uk
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