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International Women’s Day 2022

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Imagine a gender equal world.
A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
Together we can forge women’s equality.
Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias – International Women’ Day, www.internationalwomensday.com

We’re taking part in International Women’s Day by raising awareness about women’s equality and celebrating women’s achievements.

We are aware of the biases that women face day to day, whether within a work environment or within their personal lives. At Exa we aim to support and promote women’s equality throughout our business and encourage more women to get into the tech sector.

Did you know that only 3% of women say a career in technology is their first choice? We continuously develop new activities which will contribute to raise awareness of various roles available in tech. By raising awareness we hope that more women will consider roles which are traditionally occupied by men.

Working with organisations such as Ahead Partnership and through our Exa Foundation, we have promoted careers in tech throughout the years to younger people, by involving them in digital skills activities. Last year, Alan O’Donohoe, Specialist Leader in Education at our Exa Foundation, hosted a guest panel with inspirational women from the tech industry to discuss topics relating to women in computing. Challenges and difficulties faced by women in tech are also discussed along with suggestions of what we can do to educate young people about the roles available in the industry.

Watch here to find out more:

International Women’s Day celebrates digital advancements and champions the women forging innovation through technology. Find out more about advances in tech that women are playing a part in: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Mission/Tech.

According to  womenintech.co.uk, only 19% of the tech workforce are women and only 5% of leadership positions in the technology sector are held by women (www.pwc.co.uk). At Exa we’re proud to say that 33% of our entire workforce are women, not only this we are soon to have five out of eight managers in our business which are women.

This year, we’ve interviewed some of the inspiring women within our management team to find out more about their inspirations, careers, support they’ve received and their advice to women moving up into management roles. Through these videos we hope it empowers women going into male dominated roles and gives them the reassurance that they can succeed because of their skills, experiences and mindset.

If you would be interested in becoming part of the Exa team, check out our careers page.

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