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Police CyberAlarm facilitated by Exa

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Police CyberAlarm facilitated by Exa

We are happy to announce that we can now facilitate Police CyberAlarm, ensuring schools can meet the new requirement as part of their insurance cover.

Described as a ‘CCTV camera,’ Police CyberAlarm is a free tool that monitors inbound traffic and records and reports any suspected malicious activity on an organisation’s firewall, enabling members to minimise any vulnerabilities and risks.

A recent update to the Cyber Cover section in the Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA) from the DfE, states that all those under this arrangement must register with Police CyberAlarm. 

Many companies have been struggling to enable the tool, however we have now put together a solution for customers to facilitate Police CyberAlarm through Draytek and FortiGate firewalls, that also works with SurfProtect. 

Founder and director Mark Cowgill said: “I’m extremely proud of our team for being able to say we’re the first to fulfil this market need. This issue was flagged to us and we quickly found a way to facilitate the access required for schools to meet their cyber cover guidelines. Our teams always work their hardest to make the customer happy and they have proved themselves yet again.”

Existing Exa customers can implement the service immediately, however, we are also offering a hosted solution that ensures a school’s Police CyberAlarm requirement is met without the need to maintain a server on their premises.

To find out more check out our Security Protection page.

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