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What is SoGEA?

Analogue telephone lines are switching off in 2025 and this means some big changes to the UK’s telephone infrastructure.

Whilst the UK is pushing out a “Fibre for All” policy, this will not be complete by the time the switch off comes in 2025 and for those who can’t get a full fibre connection yet, a new service called SoGEA will help.

What is SoGEA?

In short it is an alternative to the existing copper based telephone lines and networks we have all been using for over 100 years.

SoGEA stands for Single-order Generic Ethernet Access. The connection offers the same capabilities as FTTC. The difference is that SoGEA lines don’t include a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) line. These lines were initially set up decades ago, using copper to connect calls.  

what is sogea

Why is it important?

Many organisations across the UK still rely on an ADSL internet connection. This is based on out-dated copper PSTN lines. In a few years, this copper network will be switched off – so schools and businesses should look at switching as soon as they can. Some can switch to FTTP (fibre to the premises), a full fibre network, but this network is still growing. For areas that aren’t covered yet, SoGEA would be a good option. The new network will replace ADSL, FTTC, and Gfast connections after the switch off.

How can I switch?

Exa’s ADSL, FTTC and Gfast customers who also have a PSTN with us will be automatically switched to the new network, with no need for technicians on site, and no change in their billing. The updates will roll out over the next month, with no more than 10 minutes of downtime. Exa customers benefit from:

  • Single provider
    • Some organisations have different suppliers for their phone and internet services. SoGEA lines combine this in a single invoice, making admin easier.

  • Quicker repair times
    • With only one supplier for both phone and internet services, any issues can be looked at by the same support team, cutting down on the time it would take to contact 2 suppliers.

  • 2025 Switch off ready
    • When the switch off happens, there’s no need to cancel your traditional phone line – the switch will happen automatically with no change to your bills. No reminders to set. No calendar events to book. 

SoGEA internet connections don’t include a phone line, so you will need to set up a VoIP system, or divert to a mobile to make or receive calls.

Which speeds are available?

This is largely down to what your ISP can provide. Exa customers being switched to SoGEA will receive the same speeds they currently have. 

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