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4 best content monitoring providers in the UK

content monitoring

So you’re reviewing your content monitoring solution and considering if there’s something better available. You might be looking for more flexibility and a granular level of control or shopping around based purely on price. You may be wondering where to start in your search, which is how you’ve ended up here. 

Whilst our preferred vendors are Smoothwall and Securus we believe in being honest and transparent about what is available on the market. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the content monitoring providers we would recommend to our customers to help you with your decision. 

Content monitoring providers:


Est.: 2001
  • Cloud-based
  • 24/7 Human moderation
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Online and offline monitoring
  • Detects typed and untyped content
  • Keyword monitoring and capture
  • Supports BYOD
  • Instant alerts
  • Ability to be a managed service


Est.: 2002
  • Cloud-based
  • 24/7 Human moderation
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Online and offline monitoring
  • Detects typed and untyped content
  • Keyword monitoring and capture
  • Supports BYOD
  • Instant alerts
  • Ability to be a managed service


Est.: 2002
  • Cloud-based
  • 24/7 Human moderation
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Online and offline monitoring
  • Detects typed and untyped content
  • Keyword monitoring and capture
  • Supports BYOD
  • Instant alerts
  • Ability to be a managed service


Est.: 2001
  • Cloud-based
  • 24/7 Human moderation
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Online and offline monitoring
  • Detects typed and untyped content
  • Keyword monitoring and capture
  • Supports BYOD
  • Instant alerts
  • Ability to be a managed service

What to do next?

Now that you’re armed with some information on the best content monitoring providers in the UK, you should consider what your requirements are and which one meets your needs the best. 

We would strongly recommend Securus or  Smoothwall Monitor for digital monitoring. They work as a complementary service to our SurfProtect® content filtering platform, which when combined, provides you with an all-encompassing e-safeguarding solution.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your organisation’s needs and how Securus or Smoothwall Monitor can meet them. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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